Latest Audiobook Release
“Where’ve you been?!”
I’m sorry, I’m here, I’m back! Well, it appears that I may need quite a bit of practise before I could be considered a ‘proper’ blogger…I MUST TRY HARDER!!
So to quickly bring you up to date:
School for my Monkeyboy is going pretty well, however as with all kids on the spectrum, life still throws a curve ball at us from time to time. We’re getting quite good at ducking and dodging. Puberty has set in though, adding quite an interesting mix to the whole sh’bang. Sometimes I have absolutely NO IDEA what is hormones or autism! You know that Kevin & Perry episode where Kevin goes to bed the night before his 13th birthday full of the joy and anticipation of a fun filled birthday to arrive in the morning, then he awakes and immediately turns into this slouching, grunting, hormonal heap of a teenager, full of attitude and hatred for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING? Yeah, that!
I’m so confused by him sometimes…where the hell did he go?!
What fun – oh how we laugh! (Insert sarcasm emoji here…)
Anyway despite this delightful stage, he excels in IT and computer science at school (well, so i’m reliably informed by his teachers. He won’t show me any of his coding projects. Of course, it’s so uncool to show your mum – she won’t understand anyway)…ha.
So, I’ve immersed myself with more voice over training and audiobook work. My latest release is a gritty crime thriller by the wonderful author Conrad Jones. Wow, this was a challenge! A book full of gangland/drug related warfare. Set in Liverpool so many, many scouse accents to voice – all male. And RUSSIANS! Many russians! Lots of violence and strong language – not one to read aloud to your mother…
I have to say though, as a mother, you constantly find yourself watching what you say and how you say it. Narrating this book was bliss! Shut up in my little padded cell – erm, vocal booth, swearing with such ferocity was quite simply…liberating.
If you like a bit of a thriller then please feel free to check it out. (It’s not just swearing and violence, I promise. There is a great story to this book too! Conrad Jones has created a fabulous piece that will no doubt leave you googling his name for MORE!!)